The popular saying “health is wealth” gives a large meaning to our life as health is considered most valuable and precious for every individual. Good health means not only a state of absence of disease in the body but a complete physical, mental, social as well as spiritual well being of an individual.
Here, at K.J.Somaiya College of Physiotherapy, the Fitness and wellness clinic provides the most scientific way of assessing the individual and giving them a personalized plan for improving their fitness levels.The assessment includes Cardiovascular endurance, body composition analysis and any associated medical condition done under the guidance of the most experienced and qualified therapists.
There are presently 4 batches of group exercise sessions. There are different set of exercises given daily to make the exercise session more interesting which includes resistance training with thera-band and weight cuffs, aerobic training, circuit training, yoga , power yoga, physioball exercise and many more. For those individuals who can't do exercise with group are given separate set of individualised program and eventually they are incorporated in the group.
Every month individual is re-evaluated of their fitness levels and the program is accordingly modified for them.